They call me the "Hummingbird Man" because of the small copper wire sculptures that I make and give away each summer. Every summer for the past three years I have spent my lunches and dinners, in Estes Park, Colorado, making and giving away my Hummingbird Sculptures. One free one for each table, and then if they wanted more I would gladly sell them more! Many times they have came up to me and said, "Hi, Hummingbird Man!". If I miss a lunch or night the restaurants will tell me there were people in asking for the "Hummingbird Man". I have answered the phone to: "Is this the Hummingbird Man?"
Colorado Hummingbird Discussion Email List
A moderated list for the dicussion of any topic related to Hummingbirds, especially Hummingbirds in Colorado. There are only a few rules.
1. No off topic posts please, this is a list to discuss feeding, watching, photographing, and anything related to Hummingbirds.
2. All posts will be read and approved before being sent on to the list. This will insure that we will not get spamed by unwanted advertising. It will also elimate any rude behavior or flaming.
3. Please watch your language, this list is open to members of all ages.
4. Any advertising related to Hummingbirds will be allowed.